Friday, 26 June 2009


This is a Video-Clip I did for my good friends Davide, Pedro and Rimm, a.k.a. Chemical Wire.
The concept of the video is actually very simple. Chemical Wire have been working on their debut album, hoping to be released soon, so they wanted a Music Video to go with the debut package.
Since it´s their debut album I thought they could assume themselves as they are in the present, contradicting the aspects of an emerging, top-selling band, that are bands that gamble their image into something they really aren´t.
So, keeping the idea of "Roots" in mind, I wanted them to perform at their best in their own space, their room of sound, their studio.
So, with limited material, we managed to get a single light in the totally dark room and play around as they rocked all day and all night long.
I hope you like it!

P.S. - Thank you to Davide for posting the video on vimeo. I haven´t managed to get the time to upload through my vimeo user, but it´s all the same. Thank´s again!

1 comment:

  1. helder fernando8 July 2009 at 04:21

    Kico, querido amigo

    Apetece-me comentar o que vou vendo neste teu blog. Mas, como não consigo comentar, nem por sombras, sequer nas proximidades da altura do que vejo, assino cá em baixo a minha admiração, o meu aplauso de pé. Sempre foste brilhantemente surpreendente. Nem sei dizer outra coisa, só me dá gana de começar a ver e ouvir tudo de novo e de novo e de novo. Por tal, agora vou descomentar.
